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Detected Surface Flooding due to Rice Irrigation over Punjab and Haryana, India from passive microwave radiometer

Dr. R.P. Singh Dr. R.P. Singh

Introduction of irrigated rice in the semi-arid northwest Indian region is one the major changes in Indian agriculture.  Punjab and Haryana has witnessed significant change in cropping pattern during the last few decades.  Increase in rice area is of particular significance. The State of Punjab occupies a special place in…


Fundamental Approach for Quantum Remote Sensing

Ashutosh Kumar Jha Ashutosh Kumar Jha

Current sensing technology operates within the electromagnetic spectrum, covering wavelengths ranging from tens of micrometers to meters. However, newer Remote Sensing (RS) instruments utilizing quantum sensing at the Nano to Femto scale are set to unveil internal structures of objects, necessitating a shift towards quantum spectral domain in Remote Sensing.…


Proximal Sensing for Soil Health Assessment

Justin George Justin George

Justin George K and Suresh Kumar Proximal soil sensing involves using sensors placed close to or within the soil to measure its properties accurately and efficiently. Proximal sensing approaches employing various advanced sensors aid us in acquiring spatial as well as temporal soil data/information at reduced costs, in very short…


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