Articles Archive

Algal bloom in the ocean: Role of remote sensing

Dr. Debashis Mitra Dr. Debashis Mitra | March 14, 2024 | 1042 Views
Algae are photosynthetic, tiny marine organisms whose cells are eukaryotic. Algae can inhabit the freshwater as well as the marine ecosystem. The different categories of phytoplankton for example, diatoms and dinoflagellates are examples of unicellular, floating algae. Although most types of phytoplankton do not possess any toxicity, a few species of dinoflagellates are able to produce toxins that could be Continue Reading »

Fallout radionuclides (FRNs) for Soil Erosion Measurements in the Himalayan region

Dr. Suresh Kumar Dr. Suresh Kumar | March 13, 2024 | 1022 Views
Soil erosion is a major land degradation problem and poses serious environmental and socio-economic crisis worldwide. The Himalayan hills and mountains are very fragile and being threatened by land degradation caused by soil erosion by water that poses serious challenges to the soil ecosystem services and sustainability of natural resources. Reliable estimate of long-term soil erosion rate of various land Continue Reading »

Assessing the response of Himalayan Alpine Biology to Accelerated Warming

Forest and Ecology Department Forest and Ecology Department | March 21, 2024 | 596 Views
The Forestry and Ecology Department of IIRS established 15 Open Top Chambers (OTC) in September 2022 at Gangotri, Uttarakhand, to delve into the intricate dynamics of Himalayan Alpine Biological Communities under the influence of Experimental Warming. The idea is to test the impact of warming on plant phenology, plant height, biomass and nutrient concentration between OTCs and control plots. Preliminary Continue Reading »

Groundwater Flow to the Coastal Ocean

Dr. R.P. Singh Dr. R.P. Singh | March 18, 2024 | 1234 Views
Submarine ground water discharge (SGD) is a hydrological process of coastal areas in which submarine inflow of fresh and brackish groundwater takes place from land to sea. SGD mainly occurs due to freshwater release from land to sea as base flow as well as overflow through the unconfined aquifer medium. Ground water seeping can occur in the form of submarine Continue Reading »

The Data Science Journey: Transforming Insights into Action

Dr. Harish Karnatak Dr. Harish Karnatak | February 27, 2024 | 1691 Views
In our rapidly evolving world, data is the new power of growth and development. It holds the power to reveal insights and transform the industries, scientific studies, education sectors and so on. Data Science is a multidisciplinary approach which is an intersection of three disciplines i.e. computer science, mathematics, and thematic domains such as agriculture, urban planning, insurance sector, healthcare Continue Reading »