Articles Archive

Global Evaluation of Sentinel 2 Aerosol Optical Thickness retrievals

Dr. Manu Mehta Dr. Manu Mehta | January 6, 2025 | 230 Views
Dr. Manu Mehta and Mr. Akhilesh Kumar This recent study at Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), ISRO, presents the first known comprehensive global validation of Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) measurements derived from the Sentinel 2 Sen2Cor algorithm, covering a significant period of 5 years from 2018 to 2022 utilizing an extensive dataset from over 400 AERONET stations (each year) Continue Reading »

Tracking changes over two centuries in historical city of Varanasi  

Poonam Seth Tiwari Poonam Seth Tiwari | December 23, 2024 | 386 Views
Madhavan S, Hina Pande and Poonam Seth Tiwari Historic cities stand as symbols of the past, mirroring the lifestyle and culture of their inhabitants and forming the core of local identities. These cities are critical markers of urban change, illustrating continuous progress and evolution across various civilizations. For a historical city, study of its background and evolution of urban settlements Continue Reading »

Raman Spectroscopy and its Scope in Planetary Exploration

Dr. Mamta Chauhan Dr. Mamta Chauhan | December 12, 2024 | 278 Views
Mamta Chauhan, Saswati Panda, Ankita Gaur, R.P. Singh and R. S. Chatterjee Raman spectroscopy is an analytical technique to identify mineral, rocks and detect associated organic compounds. This technique is based on the phenomenon of raman effect which causes frequency difference between the incident and the fraction of scattered light. It is inelastic scattering of light by matter in which Continue Reading »

RISAT-1A (EOS-4) data based applications for Orchard monitoring

Dr. Dipanwita Haldar Dr. Dipanwita Haldar | November 27, 2024 | 326 Views
Dipanwita Haldar and Suresh Kumar Medium resolution SCANSAR (MRS) data 18m pixel spacing has served as work horse for field crop monitoring during 2012-2016 during RISAT-1 timeframe and 2022 onwards in RISAT-1A particularly for predominant kharif crops’s monitoring. This dataset is being systematically acquired over the entire Indian subcontinent in descending node. During the overcast sky in the northern India, Continue Reading »

India’s Forests: How Efficiently are they Using Water?

Subrata Nandy Subrata Nandy | November 20, 2024 | 187 Views
Forests, often referred to as the "lungs of the planet," play a crucial role in regulating the Earth’s climate and sequestering carbon dioxide. To understand the effects of climate change and formulate mitigation measures, it is important to know how climate change affects the biogeochemical cycles of forest, especially carbon and water cycles that sustain life on our planet. In Continue Reading »