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Spatio-temporal variability of partial pressure of carbon dioxide over the north Indian Ocean using satellite data

Dr. Sachiko Mohanty Dr. Sachiko Mohanty | March 20, 2024 | 920 Views
Since the beginning of the industrial era, the anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration has been steadily increasing in the atmosphere caused by deforestation, fossil fuel, biomass burning, cement manufacturing, various land-use practices, and other anthropogenic activities. The ocean absorbs one-third of the total anthropogenic CO2 from the atmosphere and plays an important role in the mitigation of global warming and Continue Reading »

Spectacular Martian Auroras

Dr. Manu Mehta Dr. Manu Mehta | September 6, 2024 | 881 Views
On the bucket list of several of us to might be to move towards the poles at least once in a life time to witness the breath-taking Northern or Southern lights on our planet. On Earth we don’t have global Auroras but move to Mars and we may witness one! In fact Mars can have global or regional auroras. That’s Continue Reading »

Slope stability and landslide hazard assessment- Limit equilibrium based case study in parts of Mandakini river basin

Shovan Lal Chattoraj Shovan Lal Chattoraj | May 28, 2024 | 864 Views
In India, the active areas with Landslides in the Himalayan region and the ongoing process of development in this area can be impeded by the associated risks and hazards posed by these events. The Garhwal Himalaya region, in particular, has a history of landslides, some of which are well-known and triggered by co-seismic events. While rainfall and earthquakes are commonly Continue Reading »

Enhanced warming and growing high altitude lakes in Uttarakhand Himalaya

Pratima Pandey Pratima Pandey | May 9, 2024 | 853 Views
Himalaya is experiencing unprecedented warming since recent past which is more than the global average and also more than the Indian sub continental landmass. The warming is even more pronounced at higher altitudes in Himalaya. This rising rate of warming at higher altitudes has been termed as Elevation Dependent Warming or EDW by the scientists working in the domain. The Continue Reading »

Understanding India’s Scorching Heat: Climate Change Impacts and Adaptive Measures

Dr. Harish Karnatak Dr. Harish Karnatak | May 23, 2024 | 845 Views
As India struggles with intense heatwaves striking earlier than usual for the third consecutive summer, millions are facing the dual challenges of stifling humidity and soaring temperatures. This concerning trend, exacerbated by the effects of climate change, poses significant threats to public health, emphasizing the critical need for adaptive measures. Researchers caution that without prompt intervention, the lives of over Continue Reading »